Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Styling a website review

When I first took this course, I was a little worried about how I would do with the techincal aspect of it. By no means do I consider myself tehcnologically inept, but having taken a computer programming course in high school and not doing so well, I was worred this course would be similar and would be a constant struggle.

 My bad thoughts were quickly turned around however as the professor for my particular course does a fantastic job walking you through step by step on how to do things, explaining each step with his youtube video clips, along the way. If you're still stuck, he offers several areas of help to get the job done.

 During my time using the Internet, I have always viewed several websites and said to myself  "wow I can't imagine all the work it takes to keep this up". In the end, it's not so much doing the work that's the hard part, it's more keeping up and building upon what you've learned. I found the easiest way to keep up with your website is to do what most of my classmates did and personalize it to your liking so that you enjoy keeping up with it, making it more like a hobby than a school assignment.

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